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Strengths At Work

'Playing to your strengths' is a common phrase in the workplace. But what does it mean? Within positive psychology the term 'strengths' is used to describe the things that energise and motivate a person. When a person understands the things that energise them, as well as the things that drain them, they can start to focus their growth, development and career in a positive way. This enables individuals to thrive and be positively engaged at work. At at team level, understanding and maximising strengths, can lead to higher levels of performance, creativity, productivity and engagement.

How do I identify my strengths?

Identifying your own unique drivers and motivators can be challenging. Too often we get confused by what we're good at rather than what we enjoy.


Luckily, some clever people have designed really effective questionnaires that help individuals identify their strengths easily. These tools include CliftonStrengths, VIA Character Strengths and Strengthscope®.


Since 2010 I've been accredited as a Strengthscope® practitioner. I was the first person in Ireland to work with Strengthscope® and have subsequently trained many other HR and L&D professionals in its use.


The Strengthscope® profile allows an individual to identify work related strengths which can then aid an individual's growth and development. Once the online profile is completed, initial feedback is given by an accredited practitioner. This can be in a 1:1 setting or in a team workshop setting.


The initial feedback brings an awareness of strengths, how to maximise them for the best results and how to stop them from impacting negatively (yes, even strengths can be negative!).


NB: Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


Strengths in action

The Strengthscope® profile has a number of options, including: 360 feedback, team strengths profiles, and a Leadership strengths profile.


After the initial feedback, there are many ways to continue maximising strengths for the benefit of the individual, the team and the organisation as a whole.


You can choose to have 1:1 strengths coaching, run team workshops, utilise specific worksheets and exercises or even run organisational 'dragon's den' type sessions to harness the creative power of diverse strengths.


As an early adopter of Strengthscope® I've used it in many different settings and scenarios with lasting positive results. It's work I love doing and the feedback from teams and individuals is always positive.


Get in touch to find out how I can help you make the most of the strengths in your organisation!


N.B. Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Strengthscope® Profiling and 360 reports


As Ireland's first Strengthscope® accredited practitioner, I offer Strengthscope® profiling and 360 feedback either as part of an individual strengths coaching programme or as part of a team intervention.


Strengthscope® is designed to help people identify what makes them truly unique, enabling honest and authentic conversations. It empowers them to develop and stretch their strengths, as well as productively overcome blockers to their performance.


Once someone understands the strengths they have, they can see how these can be developed to strengthen the value they bring. Through developing skills and agility in areas of natural strength and reducing the impact of risk/weaker areas, individuals and teams can become more authentic and perform at their best.


Strengthscope® offer a number of different assessment options:


  1. Strengthscope® is designed to help people identify what makes them truly unique, enabling honest and authentic conversations. It empowers them to develop and stretch their strengths, as well as productively overcome blockers to their performance.

  2. StrengthScope360™ is the pioneering 360-degree strength profiler, offering insights into how others perceive your strengths, their effectiveness in the workplace, and how you manage performance risks. The assessment provides a comprehensive report, including valuable feedback from key stakeholders on daily use of strengths.

  3. StrengthscopeTeam™ is indispensable for professionals aiming to contribute to diverse, empowered, resilient, and agile teams. Through a thorough analysis, the report evaluates current team dynamics, identifying areas for improvement to establish a robust team culture. Specialised tools focus on strengths, performance risks, and potential gaps, emphasising productive behaviours for a resilient team culture.

  4. StrengthscopeLeader™ helps you bring the best of yourself to work. This creates increased confidence, inspired people and clear and positive communication and direction. All based on greater understanding of the leaders’ strengths and the habits. With valuable feedback from up to 20 raters, the report provides clear feedback and advice to move performance forward.




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